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“Shared bikes are too heavy!”
Are shared bikes really so heavy that they have no merit as a used bike, or are the weight weenies busy spreading fake news? We find out.

Florida news outlets paid off to discredit Brightline?
Both railroads and those who ride bicycles are both inconvenienced by aggressive, distracted, and terrible drivers – plus, we’re both treated with bias from the media.

Gettin’ Social: Two 3.0’s join the Museum
Not one, but two iconic, loop-frame Social Bicycles 3.0s have joined our museum. Here’s the story.

The #SpinBikeProject: 600 bikes later
When I started the Bike Share Museum, all I planned to do was save a few bike share bikes for history’s sake…

Why is micromobility still banned in Miami?
It’s a simple question. Miami-Dade County has ignored the advice of experts. Why?

Saved, not scrapped! The JUMP Five arrive.
The Next Web recently asked “Does the mobility industry have a soul?” Well, I’m very happy to report that it does.

Peaches & Cream becomes the eSpin!
Ever since I rode my first JUMP 5.0, I’ve been eager to turn something into an e-assist pedelec.

JUMP Bike Models Demystified
There seems to be some confusion over the various JUMP models, so let’s look at what sets each model series apart.

20,000 JUMP bikes are dying.
Our inbox exploded with stories from JUMP shift leads and head mechanics.

Farewell(?) to the JUMP e-bike
Those who follow micromobility will know that Uber recently invested $170 million in Lime.

They cut the LimeBikes up.
I’ve mentioned many times that it is virtually impossible to get a LimeBike – legally, of course – for preservation.

Peaches & Cream: Hot Rod Spin
Extreme Makeover: Dockless Bicycle Edition.

Saving the Spins!
I wanted to save two…and saved a warehouse’s worth.

The Rebirth of a LimeBike
Its fate was a County scrap dump. And it cheated death.

An ofolly good cause!
I’m pleased to say another bicycle has joined the ranks of the Museum. No, not all of them.

Chillin’ Limes & Better Times
One of my favorite bike share memories was when I spotted these two LimeBikes in my neighborhood.

A closer look at Spin’s bicycle
No. 7723417 was one of the last Spin bicycles deployed in the Coral Gables area that I know of.

A Lime in need of love
The first-generation LimeBike is an interesting study and this one tugged at the heartstrings.